ets393  11-22-2011, 1:33 PM Agree 0   Disagree 0 #3
great movie; totally agree that every parent should see!
feebee3  11-16-2011, 9:18 PM Agree 0   Disagree 0 #2
It's a great movie, but they lost the last 10-15 minutes. The end is missing. The way it stopped, the question of who the movie was about isn't resolved: is it about the father's unreal expectations of his role? is it about the daughter's resolution, is it about the ad campaign the father created that helps create the hyper-sexuality of the world? is it about police inadequate efforts in stopping online predators?
buzzardpuke2  09-30-2011, 2:09 PM Agree 1   Disagree 0 #1
great movie! every parent should watch this movie ! stay safe!
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