dandepriest  10-14-2014, 1:53 PM Agree 0   Disagree 0 #2
Bad acting is so painful to watch and this is excrutiating!!
wagtails  09-10-2012, 5:40 PM Agree 1   Disagree 0 #1
Well, (in this film not a very deep subject), there does lurk a hard core Christian fundamentalist shadowy interpretation of the end of human history (thank you Sun Valley Foursquare church). Thus, the footage is as anyone would expect; smaller fire bombs from heaven utilizing human body parts as targets, and a major league asteroid the size of Texas rolling across the universal spatial expanse to finish off the entire planet. No Christian in their right mind would ever dare show this. The film falls far below their notorious history of biblical misinterpretation. If you want to save yourself (and 4 mgs), run as far as you can from this title. Take care, folks.
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