stretch  10-15-2023, 4:27 PM Agree 0   Disagree 0 #3
1st rate fantasy movie
kenrose76  05-11-2023, 12:51 PM Agree 0   Disagree 0 #2
If you mix "lord of the rings, Narnia and somewhat adventures movie"- then you end up with this. A bit entertaining, yet not that exiting. It seems that they've tried to come up with something new and fun, but I can't really see how that worked out here. If you've seen the trailer, then you've seen all that was fun in this movie. But all in all an okay watch if you are bored.
GPierson  05-03-2023, 7:40 PM Agree 1   Disagree 0 #1
Not bad. It was a fun movie.
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