malkabene  01-25-2023, 3:23 PM Agree 0   Disagree 0 #2
Hi, I was afraid to watch it:-).. but I did found the story easy to follow..I agree, it would be nice if somewhere the story was a bit more developed (e.g. Viola Davis)..however, if you like action, ancient world, Pierce B. and of course Dwayne J., you may like this one.. p.s. nice twist at the end..enjoy!
__KK__  11-16-2022, 9:34 AM Agree 0   Disagree 0 #1
You can tell DC had alot to do on this one. Great at making action but there is almost no real plot. New characters I have never heard of, don't know nowt about them. You ll be expected to magically know what the hell is going on half the time. Not that you can dwell the film moves on at 100 mph. Shame lots of good stuff in here but no time to understand it, its meaning or why its here at all. Good luck .
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