classapcs  09-02-2022, 11:34 PM Agree 0   Disagree 0 #5
Good? Yes. Such BS though. The cops and her parents pinned it on him, when he obviously was not guilty. He found and saved her himself and now everything is just so happy. Her parents and the cops should pay for suspecting him in the first place. How often do people disappear, while the cops focus on the wrong suspect while the victim is murdered while the cops do nothing?
malkabene  08-14-2022, 11:10 AM Agree 0   Disagree 0 #4
It is ok a bit over the reality..everyone, police including, of course, thinks the husband is guilty..he must prove them wrong, on the quest he kills people (the bad people, of course), he is then pardoned by the police..etc..if you like Butler, you like it:-)
millie-pat  07-07-2022, 8:57 PM Agree 0   Disagree 0 #3
A good film, the opening and ending music is good but the action music is too overpowering for the scenes. The plot does not make sense, because it does not give any clue about the husband's abilities. A lot was left on the cutting room floor.
tyakaflex  06-12-2022, 3:51 PM Agree 0   Disagree 0 #2
Good...not great but definitely good.
stretch  06-05-2022, 7:13 AM Agree 0   Disagree 0 #1
Good film, good story not a lot of action.
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