stretch  09-17-2023, 2:34 PM Agree 0   Disagree 0 #4
Wow what a film a simple story told so well through the process of film.
lacova  03-20-2020, 2:41 PM Agree 0   Disagree 0 #3
Great true event, sometimes life is not fair.
wagtails  03-08-2020, 12:06 PM Agree 1   Disagree 0 #2
Once again, thank you Mr. Clint for bringing clarity into another case of unparalleled savagery against an innocent person. From start to finish, this is one film that draws you into both sides of the narrative, and keeps you there until the conclusion. Excellent. 5 out of 5. Enjoy.
skkipperr  03-06-2020, 5:43 PM Agree 0   Disagree 0 #1
Very good. This movie is exactly what you would expect it to be like. The only question is, "Is it done well?" The answer is yes. Very well. The story is told well and the acting is exceptional. Another hit for Clint. It's no Gran Torino, but it's still... wait for it... very good.
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