Comments(5) |
stretch 05-27-2022, 8:25 PM |
0 0 |
#5 |
Agree with wagtails classic Tarantino gave it 4 out 5 |
GPierson 04-05-2016, 1:08 AM |
1 0 |
#4 | type of movie must be different than you alls. Did not care for it. Liked Kill Bill though. This seemed a western version of that show. |
skkipperr 03-01-2016, 4:33 AM |
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#3 |
Very good movie... Tarantino style. I'd give it 4.5 Stars out of 5. But since they don't have half Stars,I'll err on the side of Quentin... and give it 5. |
gregorydgi 01-21-2016, 12:06 PM |
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#2 |
seen better |
wagtails 01-21-2016, 4:53 AM |
0 0 |
#1 |
most definitely a Tarantino film. supported by an outstanding cast, and the special effects as an added bonus. gave this one a 4 out of 5. enjoy. |
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