Comments(4) |
wagtails 05-29-2017, 5:24 PM |
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#4 |
such awesome sci-fi from Mr. Michael Crichton (Jurassic Park) going back as far as 1973! I remember seeing this then, and still enjoyed this film - today. with Yul Bynner no less. enjoy. oh yes, did not hear strange sounds. |
Celticmaidn 01-17-2015, 2:03 PM |
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#3 |
Mod note: Investigated for strange sound and did not find what you were talking about Leah?
Please if you could be specific then I can investigate Further. |
LeahBeach 12-28-2014, 5:42 PM |
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#2 |
there are weird noises in the back ground so to say i think it was copied from some place and should be taken off |
Celticmaidn 12-27-2014, 3:22 PM |
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#1 |
read the bad guy has severe food allergies and dies graphically from them. |
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