grey_wolf_0114  02-13-2012, 3:48 AM Agree 0   Disagree 0 #4
Hmmm.Hi suny14u! I'd like to see the nationalist socialists . . . LOL. You mean people that didn't want their country to become a commonwealth of the USA? Sounds like a movie one has to be in the right mood to watch, without much expectation for factual info. Thanks for the rvw.
suny14u  02-12-2012, 3:06 AM Agree 1   Disagree 0 #3
The San Juan Star was a very good newspaper which had won a Pulitzer prize and it didn't shut down until the year 2008. The movie doesn't show much of the Island, mostly beaches and the roads around the beaches. I find it funny that the theme in the movie about selling real estate to foreigners is an issue that is still going on today in the Island. In the 60's you couldn't find Budweiser in the Island, the best selling imported beer was Schiltz and the best local was Corona, it wasn't the Corona that we know today from Mexico. Not many people would drink beer because it was, and still is very expensive compared to the price of the locally distilled Rum where you could buy a liter for less than a dollar back then. Movie is slow, and weak on getting the message across. The scenery is great, and it does give you an idea of how living in the Island was at the time. But it could of had talked more about the politics between the Commonwealth of PR and United states was going at the time. Like the attempt to kill Pres. Truman and the shooting in the capitol by a group of nationalist socialist's, Im not sure if it was in the House of Rep. or in the Senate. I still give it a c+. Johnny Depp does a very good job as Kemp and his partner ( the photogropher ) also. It just seems that they were making the story up as they filmed, and that they couldn't decide if to make it a romantic or dramatic movie.
grmela  02-04-2012, 2:08 PM Agree 0   Disagree 0 #2
film stopped loading @ 37 mins.....was just getting interesting...
grgilmore  02-02-2012, 3:47 PM Agree 0   Disagree 0 #1
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